Our Services

  • Whether you are just starting out with horses or have lived with them all your life, we have unique designs and ideas which can transform your horses and your land! We are creative, visionary thinkers who love to take a complex “problem” and design an innovative solution that meets the needs of all parties involved – you, your horses, your family, the land, and the other beings on the land. We are down-to-earth people who understand what it takes on the ground to manifest a vision, and we can help you each step of the way by offering implementation support with the many details required for your new creation to come to life.

  • What if you already have a horse property – perhaps you took over one that had existing infrastructure in place – and you are not sure how to transform the current set-up into one that will be easier to manage and lead to better outcomes for your horses? We can help with that too. There are many cost-effective ways to use old infrastructure in the service of a new vision – it often just takes a creative, fresh perspective to see the opportunities inherent in the situation.

  • We are passionate about all topics related to holistic horsekeeping, regenerative land management, and healing for horses & humans. We’re happy to share information, connections to other experts in these fields, and what we’ve learned from our own experiences. We’re available for public speaking, workshops, webinars, clinics, or just for help finding the right resources or problem-solving a particular issue you’re facing.


Initial Consult

We’re happy to set up a free initial zoom consultation to answer your questions and hear about your horse dreams! Send us a message and we will get it scheduled.

30 mins | $0

Site Visit & Design

Online or in-person (in Northern NM), this session will dig deeper into the specifics of your current or future property and your goals for your horses. Before meeting with you, we will review maps and photos so we can arrive at the site visit with some initial ideas. Afterward, we will send you a map or photo with our suggested design and a summary of elements for your horses.
Virtual or in-person site visit + design | $444

If you would like additional assistance once you receive the design, we can assist you with creating a step-by-step implementation plan, conducting research for you, connecting you with resources, additional site visits to help make improvements, assistance with build-out, etc.


Consulting Support

Design Implementation

We also offer hands-on oversight of the implementation of your full design, including monitoring results for the horses and assisting with problem-solving and fine-tuning as you test it in real time.

Contact us for a custom quote!

Questions before getting started?

Get in touch.